Downtown Newark, NJ has seen a great revitalization over the past decade. The downtown shopping area is much more welcoming to pedestrians and shopper friendly. Crime is down, median income is up, and Newark also benefits from the state of New Jersey's economic revitalization...
We Provide ATM Services To Businesses In Newark, New Jersey
Downtown Newark, NJ has seen a great revitalization over the past decade. The downtown shopping area is much more welcoming to pedestrians and shopper friendly. Crime is down, median income is up, and Newark also benefits from the state of New Jersey's economic revitalization project where shoppers in certain districts only pay half of the usual state sales tax on purchases (3.5% instead of 7%). Add in Newark, NJ's close proximity to New York City along with a major port and international airport and you have an area ripe for a new ATM (automatic teller machine) business.
From small convenience stores to large malls, from office buildings to street corners, from restaurants to gas stations, there are still many areas in Newark, NJ that are full of people who need access to their cash with very few ATM machines. Why pay bank transaction fees to accept debit and credit cards for small sales when you can have your own ATM products available and keep 100% of every ATM processing surcharge on your machine?
Our well-informed and courteous sales representatives will provide you and your business with all the detailed information you need to quickly and easily start your own Newark, NJ ATM machine business. You will receive information on our different ATM products, machines, processing, and service plans. At we offer a wide selection of name brand wholesale ATM machines at very low prices, with full warranties and with our own factory trained service technicians. All of our ATM products are compatible with major security and networking systems, and we will make sure to keep your systems upgraded.
We take pride in serving the Newark, NJ business community with the highest quality ATM products and services. We understand that the success of your business depends not only on the initial purchase or lease of the ATM machine but also on customer support and service. We will give you long term cost analysis, leasing and buying options, and assist you with a marketing strategy to attract even more customers to your business.